Sunday 19 January 2014

Four: The Ruler of the Sky

Maria Nguyen

Markers on Paper, 2013.

       This piece of art was inspired by the heroic Aboriginal culture and specifically the North Coast art style design. When we mention the word "Aboriginal", many people will automatically think about a stately eagle outstretching his mighty wings. From a long time ago, the Eagle has always been "the master of the sky" who also has the closest relationship with the Creator. Since Eagle has such a sacred and spiritual meaning to the Aboriginals moreover it is also the symbol of wisdom, swift and strength so I decided to choose it as my animal for this Marker drawing.

       My outstretched Eagle represents the friendly Aboriginals who always open their arms and hearts to accept and welcome other people into their lives which is fulfilled with love and happiness. The three main colours that I used throughout this project were red, black and white. Those three colours also appear on the Medicine Wheel and they create a balance combination that somehow looks very Aboriginal. This Eagle was created with some basic shapes such as form line, ovoid, S shapes and U shape. It is identified by its strong curved beaks, heavy body and clawed feet. His wings were formed by four identical U shaped feathers joined to a simple designed ovoid which holds a secret message that the Aboriginal people from young to elder all look toward one direction and together they build a strong, powerful and robust tribe that has existed from generation after generation. The reason that I did not want to make it too complicated was because there are already a lot of details on its face, body and wings so I wanted something not too elaborate nor meticulous in the middle to balance everything and it also helps the viewers not to get dizzy when they look at my drawing. His body is an abstract body which was form by two horizontal S shapes and one centre ovoid inside of a big U shape. I tried to focus on every little detail within the body because it is the centre of my Eagle. I especially love the two feet because I artfully put together all the shapes from formline to ovoid to S shape and rearranged them so that they can form into a foot and have a close connection between each other. If you take a closer look you will easily notice that the four feathers of the tail have the same elements and colours as the ones on the wings. The moon inside of his eye symbolize the sacred Creator and the Mother Earth that the Aboriginals always respectfully worship and look upon to.

     I have to say that this drawing was the biggest project which required a lot of energy and creativity that l have ever done. It took me only one day to draw, design, colour and everything. I was so excited and passionate about this project because this area was something brand new to me that I had never learned about. I love the Aboriginal people as well as their culture and everything else. I hope my beautiful viewers will love my mighty Eagle. My only wish is to hear a comment from a Native Aboriginal about this drawing but l wonder if my dream could ever come true...
:) :)....

As always,
THANK YOU for spending your valuable time to view my art work. <3 And..


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